Tony and I were a little tired of
frozen nights and being tent bound on Aconcagua, so we linked up with
April to do some proper rock climbing. We rented a car, bought some
food and packed up for three awesome days at Arenals; the premiere
climbing location in central Argentina.
Check in:
Arenals has a government checkpoint where you red to sign your life
away and show identification. Argentina seems like it has more checks
and balances preventing extraneous rescue costs than any country I have
been to. We signed on the dotted line and continued on our way up the
windy roads into the park.
Day 1 Single Pitch Sport:
We headed over to an epic dragging area called Samarkanda. The climbing was all sport but it allowed for some great photos. We headed back to camp to cook up some yummy dinner and share some stories before bed.
Day 2 Multipitch Trad:
woke up and took the long approach to climb Aguja Torreycilla to climb
universal mental (5.10c). We hiked up the scree and talus and arrived to
the base. Since I didn't have climbing shoes, Tony and I needed to zip
them down the line each pitch. At the second pitch, I ran into some
severely loose blocks, so I made sure that nobody was below and launched
them off. We topped out and rappelled down. We hiked back to stop by the refugio and then continued to our campsite for some yummy dinner, more Mendoza wine and some good rest.
Day 3 Single Pitch Trad:
Today was a lazy trad cragging day. We climbed a but, then packed up and headed home. Conclusion:
Well, six months of traveling and climbing have come to an end. It feels about the right time. Spending no more than a few days in a single area eventually takes its toll. The idealistic lifestyle of being a traveling nomad soon looses its luster. And there is always a mild longing for home.
Small things begin to confuse you like: What month is it again, why are people going to work, why can i not relate to my friends Facebook status updates, how is it possible to have one stick of toothpaste last six months, how do you say that in Spanish, why are stores closed on Sunday, what's a siesta, what is that cow doing in the middle of the road and many other unanswered questions.
But continued travel opens my mind and heart to so many differing cultures. With every realization comes remarkable insight into my life and others. As well as amazing friendships and experiences. I am sure I will look back at photos of me with my unkept beard, long messy hair and wide smile and say "I remember the good ole days." But for now, I am ready to return to civilization - if they will accept me back.
Good stuff, Jared. I think your conclusion nails it. What a bunch of cool experiences you've had. Hope to see you soon.